There are many ways you can keep up with what is happening at ASOR!
Our e-newsletter News@ASOR comes out every two weeks and features up-to-date news of special interest to ASOR’s members: news about our members’ accomplishments, announcements of fellowship deadlines, notices from our Publications Department about recent issues of ASOR’s journals and monographs; and updates about the ASOR Annual Meeting.
The e-newsletter The Ancient Near East Today comes out every Thursday and contains the latest news from the field of Near Eastern studies. It’s especially directed to the members of our Friends of ASOR program to help disseminate to this lively and diverse group recent ideas, insights and discoveries from the Near Eastern world.
The archive of the ASOR Blog also houses previous news about the field of Near Eastern studies. Social media updates are also available at the , through , posted on the , and at .
To catch up with past news, we invite you to visit our news archive. Or, to get all the news about what is going on at ASOR and about the latest work of ASOR’s members, please join us at our Annual Meeting.